Thematic Activities

Thematic Activities

Facing people's life and health | 2021 Wuzhen Medical-Industrial Cross Symposium Held in Wuzhen Laboratory

Editor:乌镇实验室 │ Release Time:2021-10-15 

On October 15th, "Face the People's Life and Health - 2021 Wuzhen Medical-Industrial Cross Symposium" was successfully held in Wuzhen Laboratory. Yuan Jie, Deputy Mayor of Tongxiang Municipal People's Government, Professor Wang Xiumei, School of Materials, Tsinghua University, Zhang Wenchuan, Chief Physician of Neurosurgery, Ninth People's Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Zhang Guifeng, Researcher of Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences and other experts and leaders of relevant departments in Tongxiang City Guests attended the meeting and delivered speeches.

The meeting was chaired by Gong Wen, deputy director of the Wuzhen Laboratory. At the meeting, experts made multi-level reports from different dimensions in the field of life and health. Teacher Wang Xiumei reported on the upcoming establishment of a translational research center for biomedical materials and regenerative medicine in the Wuzhen laboratory, hoping to realize the diversity of functions of the research center through the intersection of medicine and engineering. The guests said that Tongxiang has obvious geographical advantages, developed economy, and has a good life and health industry foundation. It is hoped that in the future, industrial agglomeration will be strengthened to form a life and health industry belt, and jointly promote more life and health industry projects to land in Tongxiang.

Vice Mayor Yuan Jie delivered a speech to welcome all the experts. He said that the life and health industry is related to people's health and well-being and the cultivation of new kinetic energy, and has far-reaching influence and broad market prospects. Tongxiang has always put people's health in a strategic position of priority development, taking the construction of "healthy Tongxiang" as the general starting point, and striving to build a solid public health and health safety barrier for the people. Tongxiang warmly expects that all experts can provide advice and suggestions for the development of Tongxiang's health industry, and hope that more life and health industry projects and talents will come to Tongxiang to jointly promote the innovation and development of Tongxiang's life and health industry.